Programs & Applications
USDA Meal Program
Healthy Full course meals and snacks are served to children attending First Steps Learning Academy within 2-3hr. intervals. For Breakfast, each child will receive a milk or juice, food from a bread group and a fruit. For lunch and dinner, each child will receive a milk, 2 fruit or vegetables, a food from a meat group or an meat alternative, and a bread. During snack children will receive a break or fruit and juice or milk. This service is included in the tuition.
Facility Security
After a family has successfully enrolled at First Steps Learning Academy, access codes to the facility and the selected classroom will be assigned. Parents/Guardians will sign children in/out of the facility by scanning their fingerprints into the facility management center.
Each classroom at First Steps Learning Academy has been equipped with an access code, to allow for entry into each classroom, which is only given to the parents/guardians that have children in that specific classroom.
This is to insure the safety of the children and to insure that only authorized personnel have access to the children.
Trained & Educated Caregivers
Each provider working with First Steps Learning Academy will start out with a minimum of: 40 hours of state required training, CPR and Pediatric First Aid, High school Diploma and/or GED, Approved Background Screening, Orientation, and Site training specific to their job description and duties.
Class Graduation
Each child will graduate with: cap and gown with tassel, diploma, graduation gift, yearbook, school photo, and Graduation ceremony Video. Families will be invited to the graduation ceremony, where each child will walk across the stage with their class and be introduced individually, for their achievement in the preschool program. Following this event, there will be a ceremonial dinner in which families will have the option to purchase a meal and share in the conversation with other overjoyed parents that have children graduating as well. “This is not a requirement for children in the VPK Program”
Get in Touch
1588 W HWY 20
Freeport, FL 32439
To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm